Tag Archives: Tratamientos de Piojos Santa Ana





As we move toward commemorating Earth Day on April 22, it is interesting to note that it has been determined that there are approximately 400,000 types of flowering plant species canvassing the earth today. The Convention on Biological Diversity comprised of 193 members scoured over 600,000 plant names to refine the vast number of plant species listings into a singular master list. This was a 3-year process that was initiated at their 2002 Convention.

Over 125 million years ago, the very first flower thrived in freshwater lakes quite possibly nibbled on by the Brachiosaurus and Iguanodon Dinosaurs sharing the land at that point in our earth’s history. The “Montesechia Vidalii” as it is referred to has been determined to be the first Angiosperm, flowering plant, to exist. It’s discovery has occurred in Central and Northern Spain amongst what is now the mountainous regions of that country.

Lead Scientist, Professor David Dilcher of Indiana University has stated, “There’s still much to be discovered about how a few early species of seed-bearing plants eventually gave rise to the enormous, and beautiful, variety of flowers that now populate nearly every environment on Earth.”

The Flower Fields at Carlsbad® Ranch boast of nearly 50 acres of spectacular Giant Tecolote Ranunculus flowers brightening the hillside they emerge from with unbelievably vibrant colors as they reflect off of the Pacific Ocean in a symphony of natural magnificence. This breathless sight seemingly glorifying the arrival of Spring and rebirth has become an aspect of San Diego’s local heritage for over sixty years. The flowers are reaching their peak bloom right now and the fields are open until Mothers Day on May 14th.

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Out of the 365 chosen days in the year, it seems fitting that the culmination of the Flower Fields would rest yearly upon the commencement of Mother’s Day. Within the United States, Mother’s Day will be 103 years strong in 2017. According to Wesleyan Antolini in her Ph.D. dissertation, the founder of Mother’s Day, Anna Jarvis, began a lifelong commitment to promote, “…a day where you’d go home to spend time with your mother and thank her for all that she did,” by organizing the first Mother’s Day Observance in 1908 inspired by her own Mother’s death in 1905.

In it infancy, Mother’s Day traditions can be traced to ancient Greece and date as far back as the 1600’s. Throughout time, the radiant colors and stimulating fragrances flowers provide have been interlaced into the centuries of honor and celebration. O.C.’s Hair Police encourages you to pile the kids into the car and day trip to the Flower Fields. As you immerse you and your family within the awe-inspiring splendor of Mother Nature on display, we would like to offer the following thoughts.

“…flowering plants,…account for much more biomass than terrestrial animals and provide the structural canvass of the vast majority of land based eco-systems.” per Nick Fleming online, BBC-Earth.

Much like the radiant flower, so too shines the beauty and power of each and every Mother within the balance of nature and her profound relevance therein. In saying this, O.C.’s Hair Police believes it only appropriate then to memorialize in flowers that which mirrors proportional distinction in magnitude.

For those Mother’s that immerse themselves and their families within the living masterpiece of flora alongside the Carlsbad hillside, may you embrace your importance within as you glance upward toward Mother Earth speaking through the Flower Fields as their brilliance in virtue emulates your very own profound impression amongst us. Enjoy!FLOWER FIELDS





“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” Hippocrates

anikas pink closet 

Anika Ortiz is 11 years of age.  Within these first precious years of life she has experienced tragedy on a level that one would hope to never be exposed to in a lifetime. From the depths of despair, Anika has continued to soothe her heartache through helping those that are struggling emotionally and physically also.  Anika has established a “pop-up” boutique with a portion of the proceeds being donated to low-income women and families challenged with depression, anxiety, substance abuse, domestic violence, and other difficult life altering issues.  

The name of her boutique is Anika’s Pink Closet.   It is located at the Mariposa Women and Family Center on West Town and Country Road in the city of Orange.  One time per month the boutique will be open at the Center spanning over the course of one year.  Each time the boutique is open, there will be a speaker discussing topics that are relevant to young girls such as bullying and setting healthy boundaries.  Anika herself will also offer her personal fashion tips while engaging her audience with mounds of self-confidence.  

Items in the boutique for purchase include clothing, accessories, toys, and other goods for girls.  Anika has cleaned her closet out as well as purchased on Craigslist to round out her initial line of product.  10% of all proceeds will be donated back to the Mariposa Women and Family Center.  Anika also encourages donations of items to be dropped off at the Center in order for her to sale.   

Anika lost her sister, Alejandra Hernandez, a couple years ago to domestic violence.  Alejandra was murdered by her estranged husband, John Rand Agosta.  Agosta is currently serving 50 years to life for this horrific crime.  Maria Ortiz is Anika and Alejandra’s mother.  She had wanted to honor her daughter while reaching out to others with similar experiences.  Anika’s desire to create a boutique was the catalyst to assist those that are looking to heal.  

anikas pink pic

O.C.’s Hair Police would like to honor Anika, Maria, Alejandra, and the Mariposa Women and Family Center for the enormity of their hearts and the difference they are making within their community as our current “In It To Win It” recipients.  It is the unsung heroes amongst us that are able to provide strength to those in despair so that they may shed the past for a better tomorrow.  O.C.’s Hair Police is proud to assist in this process with a donation provided to Anika’s Pink Closet as well as the Mariposa Women and Family Center.  

“How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it!” George Elliston

Tratamiento de Piojos Santa Ana,Retiro de Piojos Santa Ana,Medicina de Piojos


Para tratamiento eficaz y retiro de piojos principales e idiotas, una evaluación meticulosa y peinada cuidadosa es necesario. El retiro de piojos y la prevención implican la determinación y el procedimiento apropiado para eliminar la extensión de estos bichos de agravamiento. Claudia demuestra este proceso profesional, y nuestro científicamente probado 4 proceso de paso para quitar a idiotas y piojos del pelo y cabeza en este vídeo.

Tratamiento: Peinada Apropiada para quitar huevos de piojos (idiotas) y piojos   

Note como ella meticulosamente peina el pelo, hilo por el hilo, con nuestro peine de piojos de alta calidad – el “NitTerminator’.

  •     El seccionamiento del pelo en bastante pequeñas porciones para los piojos peina el área.
  •     Cuanto pelo a la sección lejos también depende de la calidad de pelo y la longitud del niño o el pelo adulto grueso requiere porciones más pequeñas que la calidad de pelo más fina; el pelo más largo requiere secciones más pequeñas.
  •     El raspado del cuero cabelludo con el peine de piojos, asegurando los huevos que producen piojos principales (llamado idiotas) será juntado y quitado.
  •     El tiramiento del idiota peina en todo por la porción de pelo, a y los finales del pelo.
  •     El raspado del peine de idiota – con los idiotas adjuntos y piojos – en un tazón.
  •     La repetición del procedimiento en cuatro lados del pelo sectioned, antes de hacer circular a la siguiente sección.
  •     La fijación del pelo peinado lejos del pelo despeinado.

Este detalló el proceso de peinada tiene que ser seguido, porque los piojos y los idiotas son bastante pequeños para evitar el retiro si la peinada no es completa. Esta permanencia de huevos de piojos atada al cuero cabelludo y folículos pilosos, si no separado con el peine de idiota.

APLICACIÓN: Acondicionador de Piojos Patentado No tóxico

  • Aplicamos nuestro acondicionador de retiro de piojos patentado no tóxico sobre el pelo.
  • Nuestros remedios de retiro de piojos naturales son de productos naturales del 100 %, y tienen la aprobación FDA.
  •     Usted puede usar nuestro champú o acondicionador – ellos ambos contienen los piojos y el idiota que mata ingredientes.
  •     Estos productos le salvan dinero comparado a medicinas de piojos principales sin receta médica.
  •     Nuestros acondicionadores de piojos y shampoos son tres veces más fuertes que estos productos de tienda, y nuestra botella más pequeña cubre 4-8 tratamientos, mientras los productos como Librado son $10-$20 una botella para sólo un tratamiento.
  •     Este proceso asegurará con la mayor probabilidad que cualquier piojo que puede permanecer después de la peinada es extinguido.
  •     Nuestro acondicionador de piojos patentado no tóxico también ayudará a soltar el pegamento que adhiere a cualquier idiota restante posible al folículo piloso, de modo que el idiota separe por último y eliminará.

Reexamine se dirigen hacia piojos o idiotas después del primer tratamiento.

  •     La persistencia y la extensión de medios de piojos requieren la retirada del pelo y cabeza cuatro días después del primer tratamiento, y un examen cuidadoso de la cabeza otra vez.
  •     Entre el 1r y 2o tratamiento, un peine por el proceso del individuo plagado tendrá que ocurrir.
  •     Después del segundo tratamiento, examine la cabeza otra vez después de siete días.

Esta tarifa de exigencias en su mejor interés. Los piojos principales prosperan y sobreviven debido a la carencia de la vigilancia en este proceso de exterminación. Es importante conocer a su enemigo, ser diligente en su lucha contra piojos principales, y vedado usted y su tranquilidad de ánimo de familias y normalidad.

Usted puede leer la información de piojos principal más extensa, con frecuencia hacía preguntas de piojos, y medidas de prevención de piojos para adultos y niños en nuestro sitio Web de información de piojos, cuando luchamos contra la extensión de piojos principales e idiotas en todas partes del Condado de Naranja, California. O lláme a Claudia en 949-631-2675.

Estamos disponsibles 24 horas cada dia, siete dias cada semana. Visitenos por el Internet: http://www.HairPoliceLiceLine.com

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Tratamientos y Retiros de Piojos en Costa Mesa: Hair Police Salon